Thursday 26 July 2007

New Forest, 14th - 16th July

Not classic dragonfly weather but after a summer like this, you can't be to picky. I paid my respects to several of the classic New Forest sites and as usual they didn't disappoint. It was nice to see two male Scarce Blue-tailed Damsels and the views of Golden-ringed Dragons were simply out of this world.

Mill Lawn Brook

This boggy channel was alive with Southern and Small Red Damsels but i failed once again to find Scarce Blue-tailed Damsel at this site. Maybe they don't exist here anymore.

Silver-washed Fritillary

Digi-scoped in a very strong wind.

Golden-ringed Dragonfly

Agelena labyrinthica, (spider)

Small Red Damselfly

Common Lizard

Common Darter

Silver-studded Blues

Wood Ant nest

German Cockroach nymph

Found this tiny nymph out on the heath, an odd place to find one. They are usually found indoors or on rubbish tips where there is a good source of heat.

Wood cricket

Beautiful Demoiselles

Wednesday 18 July 2007

Thursley Common, 8th July

The 8th July will be long remembered as the summer of 2007. After a summer of almost continuous rain and wind, the forecast of a 'possibly' sunny day sent us scurrying down to the always brilliant Thursley Common. Even after last years devastating arson attack, the heath didn't disappoint.

Thomisus onustus - crab spider

These well camouflaged spiders lie in wait for prey, with this species usually choosing Cross-leaved Heath as its cover. This one has caught a Bog Bush-cricket nymph. A stunning creature.

More Thomisus onustus !!

Lesser Emperor

We found this male Lesser Emperor perched in a pine tree close to the Moat Pond.

Golden-ringed Dragonfly

Brilliant Emerald

They rarely perch near water but this one settled for several minutes. The shiny emerald abdomen and yellowish pterostigma are clearly visible in photo.

White-legged Damselfly

This male looked out of place beside the Golden-ringed Dragon stream.

Emperor Moth Caterpillar

Four-spotted Chaser - praenubila type

Beautiful Demoiselles

Keeled Skimmer

Tuesday 10 July 2007

Maremma Regional Park, Italy, June 07

For the last two summers, myself and a colleague have been invited to Italy to help assist with an Osprey translocation project. Osprey chicks have been brought over from the nearby island of Corsica and released within Maremma RP. The Corsican birds nest on sea cliffs so it will be interesting to see if they are able to adapt to the low lying marshes and coastal Pine forests around Maremma RP. Two of last years released Ospreys have already spent their first winter and summer nearby.

Osprey release

The last three photo's show two of last years birds being released.