A slow moving but imposing beast. The huge fangs are used to great effect on Woodlouse which are mostly hunted at night. This one was on the front doorstep at midday so it was a good opportunity for a closer look.
Expecting to see the usual 2 Bitterns come to roost i was pleasantly surprised to see 4. The previous 2 nights had been extremely cold with snow during the day so i guess the extra 2 had been forced to move from elsewhere.
Another winter visit to south-east France to soak up a few goodies. Unfortunately the very strong sub-zero northerly wind made life very difficult for us and the birds. After 3 days of cloud, rain and wind our moral was low and all four of us were placed on suicide watch. The wind eventually eased and the sun shone as we drove back to the airport...... At least England was a humid 3c when we returned.
Fluttering about under the overhangs like a Red Admiral butterfly while on the lookout for a hidden fly or chrysalis. Every possible nook and cranny is searched and sometimes it appears as though the creeper is attached to the rocks by an invisible line.