Friday, 1 March 2013

Caspian and Little Terns

Casps, Little Terns and Sanderlings

Yellow-legged Gull michahellis. Very scarce on the Gambian coast and all three that I saw this winter were michahellis.

African Hawk Eagle. Nearly evaded the Wright's radar.

Four-banded Sandgrouse. Actually only has three real bands.

Striped Kingfisher. A woodland and field species that feeds on insects. 

African Green Pigeon. Very inconspicuous when sitting quietly in their fruiting tree.

Very agile when feeding on fruit

Hooded Vulture and dog

Caspian, Royal and a Lesser Crested Tern (smallest in middle) 

Lesser Crested Tern with Casps

Nice comparison with bigger and paler Royal Tern.

Abyssinian Roller at sunrise